- ホーム
- プログラム
- プレナリー演者・海外招聘演者
プレナリー演者・海外招聘演者(予定)E 英語セッション
Plenary Lecture 01 E
Focused ultrasound in Parkinson's disease (tentative)
第01会場:大阪国際会議場5F 大ホール
José A. Obeso
HM CINAC (Centro Integral de Neurociencias), Spain
Plenary Lecture 02
第01会場:大阪国際会議場5F 大ホール
坂口 志文
Plenary Lecture 03 E
Recent Advances in the Treatment of Parkinson's Disease
第01会場:大阪国際会議場5F 大ホール
Olivier Rascol
Clinical Pharmacology at Toulouse University Hospital, France
海外招聘演者 *アルファベット順、敬称略
Mei-Yun Cheng Chang Gung Memorial Hospital and Chang Gung University Taiwan |
Jay Chol Choi Jeju National University Korea |
Aurelio Cortese ATR Computational Neuroscience Labs Japan |
Angela Genge McGill University Canada |
Tengfei Guo Shenzhen Bay Laboratory China |
Sarosh R. Irani Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville USA |
Zhahirul Islam Infectious Diseases Division (IDD), icddr,b Bangladesh |
Margaret Mak The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong |
Tomoko Miki Salpetriere Hospital France |
Pushpa Narayanaswami Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center USA |
José A. Obeso HM CINAC France |
Tiago Outeiro University Medical Center Göttingen Germany |
Stella M. Papa Emory University USA |
Andreas Puschmann Lund University Sweden |
Olivier Rascol Toulouse University France |
Neil A. Shneider Colombia University USA |
Sung-Chun Tang National Taiwan University Hospital Taiwan |
Wiesje van der Flier Alzheimer center Amsterdam at Amsterdam UMC Netherland |
Jacob W. Vogel Lund University Sweden |
Keith Vossel Alzheimer's Disease Research Center, UCLA USA |
Chongbo Zhao Fudan University China |