


御子柴 克彦

独立行政法人理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター神経発達障害グループ, カルシウム振動プロジェクトICORP-SORST, JST〔〒351-0198 埼玉県和光市広沢2-1〕

Brain is highly organized organ important for learning and memory, emotion and behavior in social life. We are confronted to suffering from various brain disorders. I here present some of the research strategy for the analysis of brain disorder by molecular technique to find ways to cure the disorders. It is surprising to know that the important molecules involved in development and differentiation of the brain are all involved in the neurodegenerative disorder or neuropsychiatric disorders. I here stress the importance of the collaborative approach with other fields to analyze the brain structure and function at various levels at molecule-cell-tissue-organ-body-society.
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(臨床神経, 48:815−820, 2008)
key words:分子-細胞-組織-器官-個体-社会, 神経疾患, 精神疾患, ミュータントマウス
