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篠原 幸人

国家公務員共済組合連合会立川病院〔〒190―8531 東京都立川市錦町四丁目2―22〕

The first post-publication external review of the Japanese Guidelines for the Management of Stroke 2004 had been published in "Stroke" in 2009. Considering to these results, new stroke guidelines 2009 has been published in Japan on November 2009. Main renewed and revised points in guidelines 2009, particularly important for the neurologist were introduced, focusing on acute stroke treatment such as administration of t-PA, management of patients with life-style related diseases as well as new antiplatelet therapy for the secondary stroke prevention.
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(臨床神経, 50:808−811, 2010)
key words:脳卒中,ガイドライン,ガイドラインの第三者評価,脳卒中急性期,脳卒中再発予防
