


若林 孝一

弘前大学大学院医学研究科脳神経病理学講座〔〒036-8562 青森県弘前市在府町5〕

The histological hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD) is the presence of fibrillar aggregates called Lewy bodies (LBs). LB formation has been considered to be a marker for neuronal degeneration, because neuronal loss is found in the predilection sites for LBs. To date, more than 70 molecules have been identified in LBs, in which α-synuclein is a major constituent of LB fibrils. α-Synuclein immunohistochemistry reveals that diffuse cytoplasmic staining develops into pale bodies via compaction, and that LBs arise from the peripheral portion of pale bodies. Abnormal accumulation of α-synuclein (diffuse cytoplasmic staining, pale bodies and LBs) is found in 10% of pigmented neurons in the substantia nigra and more than 50% of those in the locus ceruleus in PD. Recent studies have suggested that oligomers and protofibrils of α-synuclein are cytotoxic, and that pale bodies and LBs may represent a cytoprotective mechanism in PD.
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(臨床神経, 48:981−983, 2008)
key words:αシヌクレイン, レビー小体, パーキンソン病, 黒質
