


冨本 秀和1)3), 猪原 匡史1), 高橋 良輔1), 福山 秀直2)

1)京都大学大学院医学研究科・臨床神経学〔〒606-8507 京都市左京区聖護院川原町54〕
2)同 高次脳機能研究センター〔〒606-8507 京都市左京区聖護院川原町54〕
3)現 三重大学大学院医学研究科・神経病態内科学〔〒514-8507 三重県津市江戸橋2-174〕

White matter lesions are frequently observed in the elderly, and have been postulated to be responsible for dementia and parkinsonism. At first, we revealed that cholinergic pathways are damaged in the external capsule due to white matter lesions in Binswanger's disease. In addition, a flumazenil (FMZ)-PET study, a marker of benzodiazepine/GABAA receptors, revealed that FMZ-binding was decreased in the prefrontal cortex and the insular cortex in demented patients with extensive white matter lesions. In contrast, FMZ-binding was decreased in the premotor cortex and the striatum in the patients with extensive white matter lesions and parkinsonism, as compared to those with white matter lesions but without parkinsonism. These results indicate that subcortical nerve fiber damages may impair neural networks and hence, the neural function in the corresponding gray matter.
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(臨床神経, 48:947−950, 2008)
key words:白質病変, ビンスワンガー病, コリン神経系, MRI, ポジトロン画像
