Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

The 48th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Neurology

CT and MRI of the central nervous system: current concepts

Makoto Sasaki, M.D.

Department of Radiology, Iwate Medical University

The advents of multidetector-row CT and high-field MRI have accelerated the technical advancement of the stroke CT and MRI. A novel technique combining volume helical scan and three-dimensional denoising filter can improve conspicuity of the early CT signs by increasing the signal-to-noise ratio and reducing bone-related artifacts. High-filed MRI allows us to use new techniques, such as the susceptibility-weighted imaging, myelin-density imaging, volume diffusion imaging, and neuromelanin imaging. Standardization techniques for the stroke CT and MRI introduced by ASIST-Japan can reduce inter-institutional and intervendor differences, and helps in facilitating multicenter trials concerning acute stroke management.

(CLINICA NEUROL, 47: 919|920, 2007)
key words: multidetector-row CT, high-field MRI, susceptibility-weighted imaging, CT/MR perfusion, standardization

(Received: 16-May-07)