Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

Brief Clinical Note

Functional neural reorganization following ischemic stroke in the precentral knob: An fMRI study

Hisayuki Hirabayashi, M.D.1), Daisaku Kurita, M.D.1), Hitoshi Hamano, M.D.1), Munetaka Haida, M.D.1)2) and Yukito Shinohara, M.D.1)

Departments of Neurology1) and Physiology2), Tokai University School of Medicine

We evaluated a 63-year-old, right-handed woman by functional MRI (fMRI) in the early and the recovery stages following a cerebral infarction in the right precentral knob. An activated signal in the ipsilateral sensorimotor cortex and contralateral supplementary motor cortex during deteriorated hand grasping (left) was observed in the early stages, whereas being unable to detect in the functionally recovered period. When simultaneous bilateral hand grasping was performed, the activated signal around infarct region was enlarged in recovered period. The functionally neural reorganization processes relating recovered hand movement after localized cortical infarction (precentral knob) was suggested.

(CLINICA NEUROL, 42: 974|976, 2002)
key words: precentral knob, functional MRI, cerebral infarction, monoparesis

(Received: 11-Sep-02)