Program at a Glance
Prize Award Lectures
May 20(Thu) 14:00 - 14:50
Chairs |
Shigeki Kuzuhara |
President, Japanese Society of Neurology/Professor, Department of Medical Welfare, Suzuka University of Medical Science, Japan/Professor Emeritus (Neurology), Mie University School of Medicine, Japan |
Shoji Tsuji |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine,
The University of Tokyo |
Speakers |
Ichizo Nishino |
National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry |
Miho Murata |
National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry |
Presidential Lecture
"Breakthrough toward Conquering Neurodegenerative Diseases"
May 20(Thu) 14:50 - 15:35
Chair |
Ichiro Kanazawa |
President, Science Council of Japan |
Speaker |
Shoji Tsuji |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine,
The University of Tokyo |
Plenary Lecture
"World Neurology:Challenges, Opportunities and Priorities"
May 20(Thu) 15:35 - 16:20
Chair |
Shigeki Kuzuhara |
President, Japanese Society of Neurology/Professor, Department of Medical Welfare, Suzuka University of Medical Science, Japan/Professor Emeritus (Neurology), Mie University School of Medicine, Japan |
Speaker |
Vladimir Hachinski | University of Western Ontario, Canada |
Education Program
May 20(Thu) 8:00 - 9:00
Education Program 1
Chair |
Yasuhiro Hasegawa |
St. Marianna University, School of Medicine |
Speaker |
Kazumi Kimura |
Kawasaki Medical School, Stroke medicine |
Education Program 2
Chair |
Tomohiko Mizutani |
Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine,
Nihon University |
Speaker |
Makoto Iwata |
Professor Emeritus, Tokyo Women’s Medical University |
Education Program 3
Chair |
Takeshi Tabira |
Department of Diagnosis, Prevention and Treatment of Dementia, Juntendo University |
Speaker |
Junichi Kira |
Department of Neurology, Kyushu University Graduate School of Medicine |
Education Program 4
Chair |
Susumu Kusunoki |
Kinki University School of Medicine |
Speaker |
Satoshi Kuwabara |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Chiba University |
Education Program 5
Chair |
Yasuto Itoyama |
Department of Neurology, Tohoku University School of Medicine |
Speaker |
Hidehiro Mizusawa |
Center for Brain Integration Research, Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
Education Program 6
Chair |
Hiroshi Shibasaki |
Advisor, Takeda Hospital |
Speaker |
Yoshikazu Ugawa |
Department of Neurology, Fukushima Medical University |
Hot Topics
Hot Topics 1
May 20(Thu) 9:10 - 10:00
Chair |
Norihiro Suzuki |
Department of Neurology, Keio University Hospital |
Speaker |
Yukito Shinohara |
Tachikawa Hospital |
Hot Topics 2
May 20(Thu) 10:00 - 10:50
Chair |
Masashi Aoki |
Department of Neurology, Tohoku University School of Medicine |
Speaker |
Jun Goto |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine,
The University of Tokyo |
Hot Topics 3
May 20(Thu) 10: 50 - 11:40
Chair |
Atsuro Tiba |
Kyorin University |
Speaker |
Keiko Tanaka |
Department of Neurology, Kanazawa Medical University |
Hot Topics 4
May 21 (Fri) 13:30 - 14:20
Chair |
Shinichiro Uchiyama |
Department of Neurology, Tokyo Women's Medical University |
Speaker |
Takaomi Taira |
Department of Neurosurgery, Tokyo Women’s Medical University |
Hot Topics 5
May 21 (Fri) 14:30 - 15:20
Chair |
Imaharu Nakano |
Jichi Medical University Neurology |
Speaker |
Kenji Ishii |
PET Center, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology |
Hot Topics 6
May 21 (Fri) 15:30 - 16:20
Chair |
Katsuyuki Sakai |
Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, The University of Tokyo |
Speaker |
Yukiyasu Kamitani |
ATR Computational Neuroscience Laboratories |
Hot Topics 7
May 22 (Sat) 8:00 - 8:50
Chair |
Hidenao Fukuyama |
Human Brain Research Center, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University |
Speaker |
Kiyoto Kasai |
Neuropsychiatry Faculty of Medicine University of Tokyo |
1 "Large-scale Clinical Trials in Neurology"
May 21 (Fri) 8:00-9:50
Chairs |
Gen Sobue |
Department of Neurology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine |
Hiroshi Mitsumoto |
Department of Neurology, Columbia University Medical Center |
SY01-1 Disease-modifying Therapies in PD
Olivier Rascol |
Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Neurosciences, INSERM U825, and Clinical Investigation Center, University Hospital, Toulouse, France |
SY01-2 Results of the Cilostazol Stroke Prevention Study II
Shinichiro Uchiyama |
Department of Neurology, Tokyo Women's Medical University |
SY01-3 Clinical Trials in AD
Rachelle S. Doody |
Department of Neurology, Baylor College of Medicine, USA |
SY01-4 Familial Amyloid Polyneuropathy:Diflunisal
Yoshiki Sekijima |
Division of Clinical and Molecular Genetics, Shinshu University Hospital |
2 "Academia-based Development of Disease-modifying Therapy"
May 21 (Fri) 10:10-12:00
Chairs |
Shu-ichi Ikeda |
Department of Medicine(Neurology and Rheumatology), Shinshu University School of Medicine |
Atsushi Iwata |
Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Molecular Neuroscience on Neurodegeneration, Tokyo University |
SY02-1 Aβ42 Trimer DNA Vaccination is Effective and Safe as a Potential Treatment Therapy for Early Alzheimer's Disease
Roger N. Rosenberg |
Department of Neurology and the Alzheimer’s Disease Center, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Dallas |
SY02-2 Molecular-targeted Therapy for Spinal and Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (SBMA)
Gen Sobue |
Department of Neurology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagoya, Japan |
SY02-3 Gene Therapy Starts to Tackle CNS Disease
Patrick Aubourg |
Department of Pediatric Neurology, Hôpital Saint-Vincent de Paul |
SY02-4 Antisense Oligos for Muscular Dystrophy
Tetsuya Nagata |
National Institute of Neuroscience, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry |
SY02-5 Therapeutic Approaches for Patients with Adult-onset type II Citrullinemia-Effectiveness of Treatment with Low-carbohydrate Diet and Sodium Pyruvate
Masahide Yazaki |
Department of Neurology and Rheumatology, Shinshu University School of Medicine |
3 "Overcoming Intractable Neurologic Diseases -Approaches to Single Gene Diseases—"
May 21 (Fri) 8:00-9:50
Chairs |
Hidehiro Mizusawa |
Center for Brain Integration Research, Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
Shoji Tsuji |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine,
The University of Tokyo |
SY03-1 CARASIL- Formulation of the Clinical Concept-
Toshio Fukutake |
Department of Neurology Kameda Medical Center |
SY03-2 Molecular Mechanism and Therapeutic Strategy for Cerebral Small Vessel Disease
Kenju Hara |
Department of Neurology, Akita Red Cross Hospital |
SY03-3 Familial Wernicke's Encephalopathy
Hiroaki Miyajima |
Department of Medicine, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine |
SY03-4 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 6: from Genetics to Therapeutic Strategies
Kei Watase |
Center for Brain Integration Research, Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
SY03-5 Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Associated with Mutations in the Sod1 Gene
Masashi Aoki |
Department of Neurology, Tohoku University School of Medicine |
4 "Breakthrough in the Molecular Pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease"
May 21 (Fri) 10:10-12:00
Chairs |
Ryosuke Takahashi |
Kyoto University Hospital |
Masanori Nakagawa |
Department of Neurology and Gerontology,
Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine |
SY04-1 Molecular Genetics of Familial Parkinson's Disease
Nobutaka Hattori |
Department of Neurology, Juntendo University School of Medicine |
SY04-2 Susceptibility Genes for Sporadic Parkinson's Disease: Common Disease-Common Variants
Tatsushi Toda |
Division of Neurology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine |
SY04-3 Genetic Basis of Sporadic Parkinson Disease: Common Disease-Multiple Rare Variants
Jun Mitsui |
Department of Neurology, University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Medicine |
SY04-4 Mechanisms Underling the Cause of Parkinson's Disease: The Functions of Parkin/Pink1
Keiji Tanaka |
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science |
5 "Glia in CNS Immunopathology"
May 21 (Fri) 8:00-9:50
Chairs |
Akio Suzumura |
Department of Neuroimmunology, RIEM, Nagoya University |
Susumu Kusunoki |
Department of Neurology, Kinki University School of Medicine |
SY05-1 Promoting Remyelination by Reducing an Inhibitory Microenvironment
V. Wee Yong |
University of Calgary, Canada |
SY05-2 Blueprint for the Development of Remyelination Medicines for Multiple Sclerosis
Jin Nakahara |
Center for Integrated Medical Research & Department of Neurology, Keio University School of Medicine |
SY05-3 Microglia and Neuronal Degeneration
Akio Suzumura |
Department of Neuroimmunology, RIEM, Nagoya University |
SY05-4 Pathogenesis of Neuromyelitis Optica:aquaporin 4 autoimmunity and astrocytopathy
Tatsuro Misu |
Department of Neurology, Tohoku University School of Medicine |
SY05-5 Humoral and Cellular Immune Responses in Neuromyelitis Optica
Izumi Kawachi |
Department of Neurology, Brain Research Institute,
Niigata University |
6 "Treating Cerebrovascular Diseases:A quest for the next breakthrough"
May 21 (Fri) 10:10-12:00
Chairs |
Shinichi Takahashi |
Department of Neurology, Keio University School of Medicine |
Gregory J. del Zoppo |
Departments of Medicine and Neurology, University of Washington School of Medicine, USA |
SY06-1 Regulating the Responses of the Neurovascular Unit to Focal Ischemia
Gregory J. Del Zoppo |
Departments of Medicine and Neurology University of Washington Seattle, Washington USA |
SY06-2 Role of T lymphocytes in Ischemic Brain Injury
Takashi Shichida |
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, Keio University |
SY06-3 Progression of Brain Infarction and Endoplasmic Reticulum(ER)-stress
Hideaki Hara |
Molecular Pharmacology, Gifu Pharmaceutical University |
SY06-4 Immunomodulation by Inducing Tolerance to E-selectin and Adult Neurogenesis after Stroke
Satoru Ishibashi |
Department of Neurology and Neurological Science,
Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
7 "The Forefront of Regenerative Medicine Research"
May 22 (Sat) 12:45-15:15
Chairs |
Haruhisa Inoue |
Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences(iCeMS),
Kyoto University |
Hideyuki Okano |
Department of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine |
SY07-1 Investigation of Regeneration of Damaged CNS and Neurological Diseases Mechanisms
Hideyuki Okano |
Dept. of Physiology, Keio University School of Medicine |
SY07-2 Migration of New Neurons towards the Injured Brain Tissue
Kazunobu Sawamoto |
Department of Developmental and Regenerative Biology, Nagoya City University Graduate School of Medical Sciences |
SY07-3 Derivation of Engraftable Myogenic Precursors from Murine ES/iPS cells and Generation of Disease-specific iPS cells from Patients with Duchenne Muscular dystrophy(DMD)and Other Diseases
Tatsutoshi Nakahata |
Department of Pediatrics, Graduate School of Medicine,
Center for iPS Cell Research and Application,
Kyoto University |
SY07-4 Simple Test for Evaluation the Safeness of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells
Kazutoshi Takahashi |
CiRA, Kyoto University |
SY07-5 Opportunities for Neurorestorative Therapies in PD Using iPS and Stem Cells
Ole Isacson |
Director, Center for Neuroregeneration Research, McLean Hospital / Harvard Medical School, USA and NIH Udall Parkinson Disease Research Center of Excellence |
8 "Frontlines of the Epilepsy Treatment for Practicing Neurologists"
May 22 (Sat) 12:45-14:40
Chairs |
Tatsuya Tanaka |
Yamabiko Medical Welfare Center, International League Against Epilepsy |
Sadatoshi Tsuji |
Department of Neurology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine(UOEH) |
SY08-1 Why Don’t Medicines for Epilepsy Always Work?
Edward H. Bertram |
Department of Neurology,University of Virginia, USA |
SY08-2 Selection of Proper Antiepileptic Drugs
Sunao Kaneko |
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine |
SY08-3 Clinical Characteristics and Treatment for New Onset Epilepsy in the Elderly
Naoki Akamatsu |
Department of Neurology, University of Occupational and Environmental Health School of Medicine |
SY08-4 Is the Genetic Diagnosis of Epilepsy Useful in Clinical Practice?
Shinichi Hirose |
Department of Pediatrics, Fukuoka University |
9 "New Methods to Study Human Brain Functional Connectivity"
May 22 (Sat) 14:50-16:50
Chairs |
Yoshikazu Ugawa |
Fukushima Medical University |
Hidenao Fukuyama |
Graduate School of Medicine Kyoto University |
SY09-1 Connections Among Motor-Related Areas Revealed by Resting-State Functional Connectivity MRI
Hayashi Toshihiro |
The University of Tokyo Hospital |
Isa Tadashi |
National Institute for Physiological Sciences |
SY09-3 Quadri-Pulse Stimulation (QPS) and Metaplasticity in Humans
Masashi Hamada |
Department of Neurology, the University of Tokyo |
SY09-4 Brain Connectivity Studied by Multidimensional Neuroimaging Technique
Takashi Hanakawa |
Dept. of Cortical Function Disorders, National Center of Neurology and Psychiatry |
Symposium 10 "New Concept of and Strategy Against TIA"
May 22 (Sat) 12:45-14:40
Chairs |
Shinichiro Uchiyama |
Department of Neurology, Tokyo Women’s Medical Universtiy |
SY10-1 New Definition and Concept of TIA
Shinichiro Uchiyama |
Department of Neurology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University |
SY10-2 The Present Status of Diagnosis and Treatment of TIA in Japan
Kazuo Minematsu |
National Cerebral & Cardiovascular Center |
SY10-3 The First Stage Examination and Therapy for Patients with TIA
Yasushi Okada |
National Hospital Organization, Kyushu Medical Organization |
Koji Abe |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacological Sciences, Okayama University |
11 "Branch Atheromatous Disease (BAD):Clinical Problems and Controversies in Diagnosis and Management"
May 22 (Sat) 14:50-16:50
Chairs |
Makoto Takagi |
Tokyo Saiseikai Central Hospital |
SY11-1 The Concept and Clinical Significance of BAD
Yasumasa Yamamoto |
Kyoto Second Red Cross Hospital |
SY11-2 Neuroimaging and Criteria for Diagnosis of BAD
Yasuo Terayama |
Department of Neurology and Gerontology, Iwate Medical University |
SY11-3 Clinical Features and Outcomes of Branch Atheromatous Disease - Analysis Results of J-BAD Registry
Haruhiko Hoshino |
Department of Neurology, Keio University School of Medicine |
SY11-4 The Treatment of Branch Atheromatous Disease (BAD) - From The Analysis of J-BAD Registry Data
Hidetaka Takeda |
Department of Neurology and Cerebrovascular Medicine, Saitama International Medical Center, Saitama Medical University |
12 "Consortia for Clinical Studies on Neurological Diseases"
May 22 (Sat) 12:45-14:40
Chairs |
Osamu Onodera |
Department of Molecular Neuroscience, Niigata University Brain Research Institute |
Kenji Nakashima |
Department of Neurology, Tottori University |
SY12-1 Natural History Studies and the EUROSCA Clinical Research Network
Thomas Klockgether |
Department of Neurology, University Hospital Bonn, Germany |
SY12-2 Japan Multiple System Atrophy Research Consortium(JAMSAC)
Yaeko Ichikawa |
Department of Neurology, University of Tokyo |
SY12-3 Japanese Consortium for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Research(JaCALS)
Naoki Atsuta |
Department of Neurology, Nagoya University Hospital |
Gen Sobue |
Department of Neurology, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medcine |
SY12-4 Japan Spastic Paraplegia Research Consortium(JASPAC)
Yoshihisa Takiyama |
Department of Neurology, Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering University of Yamanashi |
Takeshi Iwatsubo |
Department of Neuropathology, School of Medicine, University of Tokyo |
13 "Research Frontier for TDP-43 and TLS, Pathogenic Proteins for ALS"
May 22 (Sat) 14:50-16:50
Chairs |
Nobuyuki Nukina |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute |
Masatoyo Nishizawa |
Brain Research Institute, Niigata University |
SY13-1 The TDP-43 Proteinopathies - Toward an Experimental Animal Model
Masato Hasegawa |
Tokyo Institute of Psychiatry |
SY13-2 Clinical and Pathological Features of ALS10
Osamu Onodera |
Department of Molecular Neuroscience, Resource Branch for Brain Disease, Niigata University |
SY13-3 Non-Human Primate Model of ALS by Overexpression of TDP-43
Takanori Yokota |
Department of Neurology and Neurological Science,
Tokyo Medical and Dental University |
SY13-4 FUS/TLS as a Polyglutamine-Aggregate Interacting Protein
Nobuyuki Nukina |
RIKEN Brain Science Institute Lab for Structural Neuropathology |
SY13-5 Clinical and Pathological Aspects of ALS- FUS/TLS
Murayama Shigeo |
Department of Neuropathology(the Brain Bank for Aging Research), Tokyo Metropolitan Geriatric Hospital & Institute of Gerontology |
14 "Frontline in Neurogenomics"
May 22 (Sat) 12:45-14:40
Chairs |
Tatsushi Toda |
Division of Neurology, Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine |
Hidenao Sasaki |
Department of Neurology, Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine |
SY14-1 Application of Next Generation Sequencers in Neurogenetics
Jeffery Vance |
Department of Human Genetics, University of Miami, USA |
SY14-2 Exploring the Responsible Gene for a Familial ALS by Next-generation Sequencer
Tadashi Kaname |
Department of Medical Genetics, University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Medicine, Okinawa |
SY14-3 Massively Parallel Sequence Analysis for Revealing Causes of Neuromuscular Disorders
Hiroyuki Ishiura |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo |
15 "Idiopathic Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus (iNPH): Recent Advances in Research on Pathogenesis"
May 22 (Sat) 14:50-16:50
Chairs |
Takeo Kato |
Yamagata University Hospital |
Tatsuhiko Yuasa |
Kamagata General Hospital |
Etsuro Mori |
Tohoku University |
SY15-2 Epidemiological Study: iNPH and AVIM
Takeo Kato |
Department of Neurology, Hematology, Metabolism, Endocrinology and Diabetology |
SY15-3 Understanding of Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Hydrodynamics in Idiopathic Hydrocephalus (A) Visualization of CSF Bulk Flow with MRI Time-Spatial Labeling Pulse Method (time-SLIP)
Shinya Yamada |
Tokai University Oiso Hospital |
SY15-4 Glycan Biomarker in CSF
Yasuhiro Hashimoto |
Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine Department of Biochemistry |
Hajime Arai |
Juntendo University Hospital |
16 "Neurodegenerative Diseases and RNA"
May 22 (Sat) 12:45-14:40
Chairs |
Jun Goto |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine,
The University of Tokyo |
Hiroshi Takashima |
Department of Neurology and Geriatrics, Kagoshima University |
SY16-1 Inefficient A-to-I RNA Editing and ALS
Shin Kwak |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine,
The University of Tokyo |
SY16-2 Implications of microRNA Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of ALS
Yukio Kawahara |
Lab. of RNA function, Graduate School of Medicine,
Osaka University |
SY16-3 Double the Trouble:Bidirectional Expression of the SCA8 CAG/CTG Expansion Mutation - Evidence for RNA and Protein Gain of Function Effects
Laura P.W. Ranum |
Department of Genetics, Cell Biology, and Development /
Institute of Human Genetics, University of Minnesota, USA |
SY16-4 RNA-mediated Disease Mechanism of Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 10
Tohru Matsuura |
Department of Neurology, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
SY16-5 Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 31
Kinya Ishikawa |
Department of Neurology and Neurological Science, Graduate School, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan |
17 "The Molecular Mechanisms for Generation of Pain and its Propagation in Migraine"
May 22 (Sat) 14:50-16:50
Chairs |
Norihiro Suzuki |
Department of Neurology, Keio University Hospital |
Kenji Nakashima |
Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University |
SY17-1 The Cause of Pain in Migraine
Toshihiko Shimizu |
Keio University, School of Medicine, Department of Neurology |
SY17-2 Chronification of Migraine Headache: Clinical Feature and Mechanism of Chronic Migraine and Medication Overuse Headache
Takao Takeshima |
Tominaga Hospital Neurology, Headache Center |
Junichi Hamada |
Kitasato University Hospital |
SY17-4 Molecular Genetics of Migraine Applying DNA Microarray-Based Comprehensive Resequencing and High Throughput Linkage Analysis System
Yuji Takahashi |
Department of Neurology, Graduate School of Medicine,
The University of Tokyo |
18 "Limbic System"
May 22 (Sat) 12:45-14:40
Chairs |
Toshio Fukutake |
Kameda Medical Center |
Mitsuru Kawamura |
Department of Neurology, Showa University School of Medicine |
SY18-1 Human Pain and Itch Perception in the Limbic System
Ryusuke Kakigi |
National Institute for Physiological Sciences |
SY18-2 Insula and Disgust
Atsunobu Suzuki |
Department of Social and Human Environment, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University |
SY18-3 Relation between Limbic System (Especially Amygdala) and Autonomic Nervous System
Takashi Ueyama |
Wakayama Medical University School of Medicine Department of Anatomy and Cell Biology |
SY18-4 Orbitofrontal Cortex and Moral
Masaru Mimura |
Showa University |
Mitsuru Kawamura |
Department of Neurology, Showa University School of Medicine |
19 "A Fresh Look at Dementia Research"
May 22 (Sat) 14:50-16:50
Chairs |
Mitsuru Kawamura |
Department of Neurology, Showa University School of Medicine |
Thomas H. Bak |
University of Edinburgh, UK |
SY19-1 Learning from History—FTD, ALS and Behaviour
Thomas H. Bak |
University of Edinburgh, UK |
SY19-2 Language in ALS/FTLD
Hiroo Ichikawa |
Department of Neurology, Showa University School of Medicine |
SY19-3 Acquired Savant Syndrome in FTD
Keisuke Takahata |
Department of Neuro-Psychiatry Keio University School of Medicine |
SY19-4 Clinicopathological Characterization of Sporadic FTLD with TDP-43-positive Inclusions
Osamu Yokota |
Department of Neuropsychiatry, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences |
SY19-5 FTD/ALS as TDP-43 Proteinopathies
Tomohiko Ishihara |
Department of Neurology, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University / Department of Center for Bioresource-based Researches, Brain Research Institute, Niigata University |
20 "Ethics of End of Life Issues in Neurological Diseases"
May 22 (Sat) 12:45-14:40
Chairs |
Mieko Ogino |
Kitasato University East Hospital |
Masatoyo Nishizawa |
Brain Research Institute, Niigata University |
SY20-1 The Survey Report about the End-of-Life Care with Als Patients of the ALS Physicians in Japan
Mieko Ogino |
Kitasato University |
SY20-2 From the Viewpoint of Clinical Ethics
Tetsuro Shimizu |
Uehiro Endowed Chair for Death and Life Studies, Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, The University of Tokyo |
SY20-3 Law, Judicial Precedent and Guidelines Concerning the End-of-Life is Sues of the Neurological Intractable Diseases
Kazuto Inaba |
Chukyou University |
Symposium 21 "How Should We Change the Educational Program of Neurology ?"
May 22 (Sat) 14:50-16:50
Chairs |
Teruo Shimizu |
Department of Neurology, Teikyo University School of Medicine |
Fumihito Yoshii |
Department of Neurology, Tokai University School of Medicine |
SY21-1 A New Pathway to Neurology Education in Japan
Nobuo Yanagisawa |
Tokyo University of Technology |
SY21-2 How Can Be the Favorable and Effective Instructional Design (ID) for the Future Neurologist ?
Manabu Doyu |
Department of Neurology, Aichi Medical University |
SY21-3 Teaching Materials in Integrated Curriculum of Neurology; Development and Sharing
Itaru Toyoshima |
Medical Education Center, Akita University School of Medicine |
Takahiro Amano |
Sanno Medical Center |
22 "Establishment of Economic Foundation for Clinical Neurologists is Essential for the Advancement of Neurology in Japan"
May 22 (Sat) 12:45-14:40
Chairs |
Tetsuya Takayanagi |
Professor Emeritus (Neurology), Nara Medical University |
Ryuji Tamura |
Tamura Hospital |
SY22-1 Development of Medical Insurance in Japanese Neurology
Tetsuya Takayanagi |
Hongo Clinic of Ophthalmology and Neurology |
SY22-2 Toward Establishment of the Economical Basis for Medical Care of Neurology in Japan - Appropriate Assessment of Techniques for Diagnosis and Treatments in Neurology
Norihiro Suzuki |
Department of Neurology, Keio University Hospital |
SY22-3 Economical Basis for Neurologic Services and the System for Health Insurance: Diagnosis Procedure Combinations and Insurance Scores of Neurophysiological Tests
Yoshiyuki Kuroiwa |
Department of Clinical Neurology and Stroke Medicine Yokohama city University Graduate School of Medical Sciences |
SY22-4 Explanation Method about Health Economics Value of Neurology
Tomoyuki Takura |
Osaka University Hospital |
23 "How Do We Cure the *Medical Divide* between Tokyo Urban Area and Northern Tohoku Rural Area?"
May 22 (Sat) 14:50-16:50
Chairs |
Hikoaki Fukaura |
Iwate Medical University |
SY23-1 Analysis of the Shortage of Doctors in Medical University Hospitals in Urban City
Kazumasa Yokoyama |
Department of Neurology Juntendo University School of Medicine |
SY23-2 Medical Care for Patients with Neurological Diseases in Aomori
Masahiko Tomiyama |
Department of Neurology, Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital |
SY23-3 Medical Circumstances in the Suburbs of Tokyo: The Difference in an Urban Region and Rural Districts
Takashi Ohashi |
Neurology Division, Tokyo Women’s University
Yachiyo Medical Center |
SY23-4 How Do We Cure the Medical Divide Between Tokyo Urban Area and Northern Tohoku Rural Area?-Medical Circumstances of Patients with Neurological Diseases
Hikoaki Fukaura |
Iwate Medical University, Neurology |
East Asian Neurology Forum "Stroke in East Asia:update"
May 21 (Fri) 14:50 - 16:40
"Clinical Pathway Guideline for Stroke in Korea"
Chair |
Shigeki Kuzuhara |
President, Japanese Society of Neurology
Department of Medical Welfare, Suzuka University of Medical Science, Japan
Professor Emeritus (Neurology), Mie University School of Medicine, Japan |
Speaker |
Hee-Joon Bae |
Department of Neurology, Stroke Center,
Seoul National University Budang Hospital,
Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea |
"Acute Stroke Management in Japan"
Chair |
Beom S. Jeon |
International Delegate, Korean Neurological Association
Department of Neurology Seoul National University Hospital, Korea |
Speaker |
Yasuyuki Iguchi |
Department of Stroke Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School, Japan |
"Stroke in China—Past, Present and Future"
Chair |
Dershin Ke |
President, Taiwan Neurological Society
Director, Department of Neurology, Chi Mei Medical Center, Taiwan |
Speaker |
Chuanzhen Lu |
Institute of Neurology, Hua Shan Hospital, Fudan University, China
Former President of Chinese Neurological Society |
"Management and Research of Stroke in Taiwan"
Chair |
Chuanzhen Lu |
Institute of Neurology, Hua Shan Hospital, Fudan University, China
Former President of Chinese Neurological Society |
Speaker |
Chih-Ping Chung |
Section of Cerebrovascular Diseases, Department of Neurology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, Taiwan |