On Publication of the Clinical Practice Guideline for Chronic Headache 2013
On publication of the English edition of the guideline
CQ I-1 How is headache classified and diagnosed?
CQ I-2 How are primary headaches and secondary headaches differentiated?
CQ I-3 How is subarachnoid hemorrhage diagnosed?
CQ I-4 What are the procedures for managing headache in the emergency room?
CQ 1-5 How should primary care physicians manage headache?
CQ I-6 How should dentists manage headache?
CQ I-8 How are algorithms used?
CQ I-9 How is the impact of headache on individuals measured?
CQ 1-10 How are questionnaires and screeners used?
CQ I-11 How is the headache diary used?
CQ I-12 What types of primary headaches require treatment?
CQ I-14 How is pharmacotherapy using over-the-counter medications planned?
CQ I-15 Are herbal medicines (Kampo) effective?
CQ I-16 What other therapies are available, apart from pharmacotherapy?
CQ I-17 Is cognitive-behavioral therapy effective for primary headaches?
CQ I-18 Does anxiety/depression coexist with primary headaches?
CQ I-20 How should school physicians manage headache?
CQ I-21 What are the important points in patient education and doctor‒patient relationship?
CQ I-22 How to evaluate the medico-economic effect of appropriate treatment for migraine?
CQ I-23 Is there a need for multidisciplinary team approach to headache treatment?
CQ I-25 How is headache attributed to spontaneous intracranial hypotension diagnosed and treated?
1. Diagnosis • Epidemiology • Pathophysiology • Precipitating factors • PrognosisPDF
CQ II-1-1 How is migraine classified?
CQ II-1-2 How is migraine diagnosed?
CQ II-1-3 What is the prevalence of migraine in Japan?
CQ II-1-4-1 What hypotheses have been proposed for the pathophysiology of migraine?
CQ II-1-4-2 What are the types of auras in migraine?
CQ II-1-4-3 What is the proposed mechanism for aura in migraine?
CQ II-1-4-4 What is the proposed mechanism for pain in migraine?
CQ II-1-4-5 How is migraine related to serotonin abnormality?
CQ II-1-4-6 How does cerebral blood flow change during migraine attack?
CQ II-1-5 What are the precipitating/aggravating factors of migraine?
CQ II-1-6-1 What is the prognosis of migraine (including chronification of migraine)?
CQ II-1-6-2 To what extent does migraine impair the healthy life expectancy and QOL of patients?
CQ II-1-7 What are the comorbid disorders associated with migraine?
CQ II-1-8 What kind of disease is chronic migraine?
CQ II-1-9 Is migraine a risk factor of cerebral infarction?
CQ II-1-10 Is it safe for migraine patients to use low-dose oral contraceptives?
2. Acute TreatmentPDF
CQ II-2-1 What are the acute treatments for migraine and how are they used?
CQ II-2-2 What is the timing of taking triptans?
CQ II-2-3 How should patient preference for multiple triptans be determined?
CQ II-2-4 When and how are non-oral formulations of triptans used for the treatment of migraine?
CQ II-2-6 How are ergotamines used?
CQ II-2-8 Are antiemetics useful acute treatment for migraine?
CQ II-2-9 What other acute treatment drugs for migraine are available?
CQ II-2-10 What are the acute treatments for severe migraine attacks and status migrainosus?
CQ II-2-12 The diagnosis and treatment of menstrual migraine
3. Prophylactic therapyPDF
CQ II-3-1 What kinds of patients requires prophylactic therapy?
CQ II-3-2 What kinds of drugs are available for prophylactic therapy?
CQ II-3-3 How should multiple prophylactic therapies be used differentially?
CQ II-3-4 How long should prophylactic therapy be continued?
CQ II-3-5 Are beta-blockers (propranolol) effective for migraine prevention?
CQ II-3-6 Are calcium channel blockers (lomerizine) effective for migraine prevention?
CQ II-3-8 Are antiepileptic drugs (valproic acid) effective for migraine prevention?
CQ II-3-9-1 Are antidepressants effective for migraine prevention?
CQ II-3-9-2 Is combined use of antidepressants (SSRI/SNRI) and triptan safe?
CQ II-3-10 Are magnesium, vitamin B12, feverfew, and analgesics effective for migraine prevention?
CQ II-3-11 Are other prophylactic therapies effective for migraine prevention?
CQ II-3-12 Is botulinum neurotoxin (BoNT) effective for migraine prevention?
CQ II-3-13 How is typical aura without headache diagnosed and treated?
CQ II-3-14 How should chronic migraine be treated?
CQ III-1 How is tension-type headache classified?
CQ III-2 How is tension-type headache diagnosed?
CQ III-4 What is the proposed pathophysiology for tension-type headache?
CQ III-5 What is the relationship between transformed migraine and tension-type headache?
CQ III-6 How is tension-type headache treated?
CQ III-8 How should prophylactic therapy for tension-type headache be conducted?
CQ III-9 Apart from pharmacotherapy, what other therapies are used for tension-type headache?
CQ III-10 Is botulinum toxin effective for tension-type headache?
CQ IV-1 How are trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias classified and typed?
CQ IV-2 How are trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias diagnosed?
CQ IV-4 What is the proposed pathophysiology for trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias?
CQ V-3 How is primary headache associated with sexual activity diagnosed and treated?
CQ V-4 How is hypnic headache diagnosed and treated?
CQ V-5 How is primary thunderclap headache diagnosed and treated?
CQ V-6 How is hemicrania continua diagnosed and treated?
CQ V-7 How is new daily persistent headache diagnosed and treated?
CQ V-8 How is chronic daily headache diagnosed?
CQ VI-1 How is medication-overuse headache diagnosed?
CQ VI-2 How big is the population of medication-overuse headache patients?
CQ VI-3 What are the treatment methods and prognosis of medication-overuse headache?
CQ VII-1 What types of headache are common in children?
CQ VII-2 How is migraine in children diagnosed?
CQ VII-3 What types of secondary headache are common in children?
CQ VIII-1 Are there genetic factors associated with migraine?
CQ VIII-2 Are there genetic factors associated with cluster headache?
CQ VIII-3 Are there genetic factors associated with tension-type headache?
CQ VIII-4 Does familial (hereditary) migraine caused by single gene mutations exist?
CQ VIII-5 Is genetic diagnosis for migraine possible?
CQ 2 What kinds of migraine patients are treated by valproic acid?
CQ 5 Is valproic acid safe and effective in preventing migraine in children?
CQ 2 What kinds of migraine patients are treated by propranolol?
CQ 3 What doses of propranolol are used for the treatment of migraine?