Rinsho Shinkeigaku (Clinical Neurology)

Symposium 17

Artificial control of blood-nerve barrier: a novel therapeutic approach to peripheral neuropathies

Takashi Kanda, M.D.

Department of Neurology and Clinical Neuroscience, Yamaguchi University Graduate School of Medicine

Blood-nerve barrier (BNB) is a "Janus-faced" structure for the peripheral nerve parenchyma. Healthy BNB may contribute to stabilize the internal milleu of peripheral nervous system (PNS) and to stop the entrance of toxic substances and harmful leukocytes into nerve parenchyma. On the other hand, healthy BNB may sometimes be a drawback because the peripheral nerve parenchyma cannot receive enough amount of nutrients and growth factors and cannot excrete toxic substances into systemic circulation because of its presence. Here we present a future therapeutic strategy to control BNB function, based on the basic knowledge acquired from recently developed human immortalized cell lines of BNB origin. If we can artificially regulate the BNB permeability and the expression of adhesion molecules on the surface of BNB-forming endothelial cells, and stop the entrance of toxic substances as well as pathogenic leukocytes into PNS parenchyma, the treatment of inflammatory neuropathies may make great progresses. For hereditary, metabolic and ischemic neuropathies, the promotion of the entrance of growth factors into PNS parenchyma and of the excretion of toxic substances should powerfully encourage the regeneration of axons.
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(CLINICA NEUROL, 51: 1020|1022, 2011)
key words: blood-nerve barrier: BNB, endothelial cell, pericyte, peripheral neuropathy, adhesion molecule

(Received: 19-May-11)